AmigaActive (381/1338)

From:Robert Cranley
Date:9 May 2001 at 03:10:50
Subject:Re: Linux

Hi Alan,

On 14-Mar-01, you wrote:

> its not like its difficult either. install XFree4.0.2, download XFree-4
> config file from and place into /etc/X11/
> then run 'startx'

Sorry for dragging all this up again, but does anyone know where I'd get
something like that for 68k? I've tried for ages, and just can't get X to
run on the 68k version I installed from the AA CDs. Ideally a config file
for that would be great, or someone could maybe send me details of their
config... If I have to I'd install XFree 4 too.


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